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Foundry Bronze Sculpture Handmade In Britain and Delivered Worldwide

Bronze Hare Sculpture: Garden Star Gazing Hare by Sue Maclaurin (Life Size)

Bronze Hare Sculpture: Garden Star Gazing Hare by Sue Maclaurin (Life Size)

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Customer Reviews 2 item(s)

2 Item(s)

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Stunning Sculpture
Overall Satisfaction
Dear Miss Foster, I am happy to report that my hare arrived today, Monday. Although tired from his journey, all is well. The sculpture is stunning and he has been given a prominent place on our living room mantle where he will be admired until next spring. Thank you for all of your help. With warm regards. Review by Ms. D.S. (USA) / (Posted on 05/07/2023)
Enrie and Gazeur.
Overall Satisfaction
From inception, through construction, to eventual presentation of "Gazeur Etoile" (Garden Star Gazing Hare), the journey was dramatic, satisfying, fulfilling and enjoyable.
The coupling with "Enrie L'Alert" (our Garden Alert Hare) was a true delight and something to draw excitable comment from all observers.
A true "Pair of Hares"!

Review by Max / (Posted on 03/11/2021)

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